Google matrix of Twitter
by K.M.Frahm and D.L.Shepelyansky

Google matrix of Twitter
(left: top PageRank 200 X 200 matrix elements; right: CheiRank vs. PageRank plane)

Article download (here)
Top 10000 PageRank indexes K (here)
Top 10000 CheiRank indexes K (here)
The Twitter network is dated by July 2009 with the total size of about 41 millions of nodes. These data are taken from H.Kwan, C.Lee, H.Park and S.Moon, Proc. 19th Int. Conf. WWW2010, p.591, ACM, New York, N.Y. (2010)

This webpage is created at July 14, 2012 and is maintained
by K.M.Frahm and D.L.Shepelyansky