Electron pairing by Coulomb repulsion in narrow band structures
by K.M.Frahm and D.L.Shepelyansky

Pair formation of two electrons by Coulomb repuslion of a square tight-biding lattice with a bandwidth B=16 and interaction U=2; two moments of time are shown (t = 200 (left), t= 4000 (right)); color is proportional to electron density (red/blue for maximum/zero); diagonal density corresponds to pair propagation, size is 128 X 128.

Article download arXiv-v1 (Feb 2020) (here)
Video for Fig.3 and Fig.4 of the paper ( fig3video) and ( fig4video); see description in SupMat part of the paper
Video of electron propagation in time are available at (here ); see README file for explanations (here )
Phys. Rev. Research published (17 June 2020) (here)

This webpage is created at Feb XX, 2020 and is maintained
by K.M.Frahm and D.L.Shepelyansky