Coulomb electron pairing in a tight-binding model of La-based cuprate superconductors (Ref.1)

Cooper approach to pair formation in a tight-binding model of La-based cuprate superconductors (Ref.2)
by K.M.Frahm and D.L.Shepelyansky
arXiv:2007.12414[cond-mat.supr-con] (Ref.1)
arXiv:2209.09057[cond-mat.supr-con] (Ref.2)

Pair formation of two electrons by Coulomb repuslion of a square tight-biding lattice (left) and La-cuprate lattice (right) at U=2 and certain time moment; lattive size is 128 X 128; density is projected to x_1,x_2 plane (Ref.1)

Ref.1: Article download arXiv-v1 (July 23, 2020) (here)
Ref.1: Video for Fig.2 and Fig.3 of the paper ( fig2video) and ( fig3video); see description in SupMat part of the paper
Ref.1: Video of electron propagation in time are available at (here ); see README file for explanations (here )
Ref.2: Article download arXiv-v1 (Sept 19, 2022) (here)
Ref.2: additional figs for Coulomb pair eigenstates, see explanations in README file (Sept 19, 2022) ( 70 MGb here)

This webpage is created at July, 2020 (update 19 Sept 2022) and is maintained
by K.M.Frahm and D.L.Shepelyansky