There are three type of video files (either .mpg with mpeg2 codec or .avi with mp4-codec ) with names of the type: DENSMAT_... => for the (absolute value of the) density matrix n_{kl}(t) in orbital representation (16x16 square for plane of orbital numbers) DENSPOS_... => for the time dependent spatial density \rho(x,y,t) (rectangular xy domain as in Fig. 1 of paper) DENSDIFF_... => for the difference \Delta\rho(x,y,t)=\rho(x,y,t)-\rho(x,y,0) of the spatial density with respect to its initial condition (rectangular xy domain as in Fig. 1 of paper) DENSCORR_... => density correlator Color bar of video files is made in the same manner as in Fig.1 and two last Figs. of the paper After this initial part there may (or not) be the string LOG100 in the name which means "log-mode" if present (or "no log-mode" if not present). Without log-mode: => 2000 time steps of t=(integer number)\Delta t with \Delta t defined in the manuscript With log-mode: => 701 time steps of t=0.1*100^{(integer number)/100}*\Delta t which provides 701 time values of t/\Delta between 0.1 and 10^6 which are uniformly distributed (100 values per factor of 10). In both videos the frame rate is 25 frames per sec meaning that each second there are 25 time steps giving a video length of 80 seconds for the cases without log mode and 28 seconds for the cases with log-mode (note the mpeg files are not very precise for the precise length in contrast to avi which are more probably more suitable). Videos in log-mode are first quite slow for at least 4 seconds (while t<\Delta t) and then accelerate quickly according to the log (or exponential) scale. The remaining part of file names show the physical parameters which are in following order (and separated by "_"): 1) a value between 0 and 4 for the initial state, note: 0=\phi_1 in paper, 1=\phi_3, 2=\phi_4, 3 not used in paper (orbital 7 excited to orbital 14, quite similar as "0" case), 4=\phi_2 2) a sequence of 16 values of 0 and 1 giving the occupation numbers of the initial state (lower occupation numbers start from the right side) 3) (after the string "TBgen") L with L being particle number (here mostly L=7) 4) M with M being the orbital number (here mostly M=16) 5) the number "1" (has no particular meaning, present in the filename only due to historical reasons) 6) The value of the Aberg parameter followed by the extension of either .mpg or .avi for examle: The name DENSPOS_LOG100_2_1000100011001011_TBgen_7_16_1_3.5.avi means: spatial density rho(x,y,t) in log-mode with initial state 2 (which is phi_4 of paper) with occupation numbers 1000100011001011 for 7 particles, 16 orbitals and A=3.5 as avi file