Inferring hidden causal relations between pathway members
using reduced Google matrix of directed biological networks
by J.Lages, D.L.Shepelyansky and A.Zinovyev
AKT-mTOR pathway reconstructed using SIGNOR database
and by inferring indirect connections using reduced
Google matrix approach.
Article download v1 (22 Dec 2016):
(here); PLOS ONE v.13(1), p. e0190812 (2018) (here) Press highlights (here); CNRS highlight 2018 (here) All figs in tgz (here ) and zip (here ) formats Data files: working description of data; readme for compressed data files; compressed data files Supplementary files (here ) Enrichment table of biological functions with changes of PageRank and CheiRank in cancer Enrichment table of biological functions with changes of PageRank and CheiRank in cancer (zip)
This webpage is created at December 20, 2016 and is maintained