Description of files and directories at dataweb.tar.gz Files in the signor directory correspond to "The signaling network alone (SIGNOR)" Files in the GM directory correspond to "The signaling network (SIGNOR) and the GM12878 normal blood cell transcriptional network" Files in the K562 directory correspond to "The signaling network (SIGNOR) and the K562 leukemia cancer cell transcriptional network" In each of these directory you find the network, the corresponding Page(-Chei-2D)Ranks, and 3 subdirectories corresponding to the considered subnetworks: aktmtor for "AKT-mTOR pathway subnetwork" cit7 for "Tumors proliferation-related proteins subnetwork" e2f1targets for "Direct targets of a transcriptional factor E2F1 subnetwork" In each of the subdirectories: Greduced.txt contains information on the corresponding reduced G matrix G_reduced.txt contains information on the corresponding reduced inverted G matrix