Directory GRdata contains: -figs of the paper -tables of the paper -data for G_R matrix elements and its 3 components G_R = G_rr + G_pr + G_qr (see paper for all definitions) the names of files corrspond to the components and related Wikipedia editions and countries of politicians (see paper) G_R is full reduced Google matrix of politicians G_rr gives direct matrix elements G_pr gives projector component G_qr gives hidden link component files with names GrrplusGqr*.txt give the sum of G_rr + G_qrnd (without diagonal term) the order of indesex is given by PageRank index tabels give names of politicians in order of PageRank index K the files with extention "friends" show matrix elements (K,K') in order of their decreasing amplitude for a given K' the files with extention "followers" show matrix elements (K,K') in order of their decreasing amplitude for a given K files withour extentions show matrix elements K,K' in usual matrix order; 1st and 2nd columns give K and K' respectively 3rd column gives for example elements G_qp(K,K') 4th and 5th columns give names of politicians with indexes K and K'