École des sciences avancées de Luchon
School for advanced sciences of Luchon


Tentative workshop program

Sunday 26 May 2019:
10h00 - 18h00: Excursion to Lac d'Oo (1507 meters)
Bus departs from Hotel Le Majestic at 10:00

Monday 27 May 2019:
08h55 - 09h00: Welcome

SESSION Mo1 (Chair: Michael Zudov)
09h00 - 09h30: Michel Dyakonov (U. Montpellier, FR) - Mini-review of the spin Hall effect and related phenomena
09h30 - 10h00: Ray Ashoori (MIT, US) - Measurement of spin polarization of the quantum Hall system at all filling fractions
10h00 - 10h30: Mansour Shayegan (Princeton U., US) - Probing exotic states of interacting 2D systems
10h30 - 11h00: Coffee break
SESSION Mo2 (Chair: Mansour Shayegan)
11h00 - 11h30: Aron Pinczuk (Columbia U., US) - Interplay between topological and nematic orders in the fractional quantum Hall effect
11h30 - 12h00: Lloyd Engel (NHMFL, US) - Pinning modes of electron solids
12h00 - 12h30: Michael Zudov (UMN, US) - Broken symmetry states in partially filled Landau levels
12h30 - 14h00: Lunch
SESSION Mo3 (Chair: Joe Falson)
14h00 - 14h30: Ramesh Mani (GSU, US) - Microwave and dark transport in 2D systems
14h30 - 15h00: Ivan Dmitriev (U. Regensburg, DE) - Dynamics of electrical domains in illuminated 2D systems
15h00 - 15h30: Chi Zhang (IoS CAS, CN) - Surface acoustic wave study in microwave-induced non-equilibrium electron system
15h30 - 16h00: Laurence Eaves (U. Nottingham and U. Manchester, UK) - Magnetophonon oscillations in gated graphene-hBN planar transistors: a spectroscopic probe of Dirac Fermion-phonon interactions
16h00 - 16h15: Edmond Rosenfeld (Galerie Les Oreades Luchon-Paris-Moscou)
- Influence of the instantaneous visual and auditory communication on the gestural education in artistic technique
16h15 - 18h00: Break, Discussions
18h00 - 20h00: Cocktail bienvenue par l'invitation de la Gallerie "Les Oreades" 69, Allee d'Etigny, 31110 Luchon

Tuesday 28 May 2019:
SESSION Tu1 (Chair: Lloyd Engel)
09h00 - 09h30: Bob Willett (NBL, US) - Measurement of non-Abelian properties at 5/2 and 7/2 filling factors
09h30 - 10h00: Klaus Ensslin (ETH Zurich, CH) - Fabry-Perot oscillations in p-n junctions of the inverted gap system InAs/GaSb
10h00 - 10h30: Jimmy Nakamura (Purdue U., US) - Aharonov-Bohm interference of integer and fractional quantum Hall states
10h30 - 11h00: Coffee break
SESSION Tu2 (Chair: Ke Wang)
11h00 - 11h30: Vlad Pribiag (UMN, US) - Disentangling spin-orbit coupling and local magnetism in a quasi-2D electron system
11h30 - 12h00: Ding Zhang (Tsinghua U., CN) - Superconductivity in few-layer stanene
12h00 - 12h30: Inti Sodemann (MPI PCS, DE) - The quantum rectification sum rule and the cyclotron resonance of spin liquids
12h30 - 14h00: Lunch
SESSION Tu3 (Chair: Erik Henriksen)
14h00 - 14h30: Alexey Suslov (NHMFL, USA) - RF conductivity in a wide GaAs quantum well by surface acoustic waves
14h30 - 15h00: Sergei Studenikin (IMS NRC, CA) - Single hole EDSR in QD structures with efficient control of g-factor using local gates
15h00 - 15h30: Erik Henriksen (Washington U., US) - Making the Mott insulator a-RuCl3 conduct by proximity to graphene
15h30 - 16h00: Maksym Myronov (U. Warwick, UK) - Ballistic hole transport and self-organized fractional quantization in a strained Germanium quantum wire

Wednesday 29 May 2019:
SESSION We1 (Chair: Ray Ashoori)
09h00 - 09h30: Loren Pfeiffer (Princeton U., US) - Spatial mapping of local density variations in 2DES using scanning micro-photoluminescence
09h30 - 10h00: Koji Muraki (NTT, JP) - Controlled screening of disorder and its impact on FQHE
10h00 - 10h30: Joe Falson (MPI Stuttgart, DE) - Criticality of the low-density two-dimensional electron system
10h30 - 11h00: Coffee break
SESSION We2 (Chair: Vlad Pribiag)
11h00 - 11h30: Yuval Ronen (Harvard U., US) - Andreev reflection in the fractional quantum Hall effect
11h30 - 12h00: Leo Li (Brown U., US) - Pairing states of composite fermions in double-layer graphene
12h00 - 12h30: Ke Wang (UMN, US) - Mesoscopic quantum transport in gate-defined van der Waals nanostructures
12h30 - 14h00: Lunch

Thursday 30 May 2019:
SESSION Th1 (Chair: Johannes Pollanen)
09h00 - 09h30: Kimitoshi Kono (NCTU-RIKEN, TW) - Topological anomalous Hall Effect of a 2D ion pool trapped under superfluid 3He surface
09h30 - 10h00: Alexei Chepelianskii (U. Paris-Sud, FR) - Coupling between Rydberg states and Landau levels of electrons trapped on liquid helium
10h00 - 10h30: Erika Kawakami (OIST, JP) - Image-charge detection: towards realizing spin qubits using electrons on helium
10h30 - 11h00: Coffee break
SESSION Th2 (Chair: Ding Zhang)
11h00 - 11h30: Gena Gusev (USP, BR) - Edge transport of massless Dirac fermions in multilayer HgTe systems
11h30 - 12h00: Leonid Rokhinson (Purdue U., US) - Development of parafermion-supporting platform based on fractional quantum Hall spin transitions
12h00 - 12h30: Johannes Pollanen - Quantum piezoacoustics: From low-dimensional electrons to qubits
12h30 - 14h00: Lunch
SESSION Th3 (Chair: Ivan Dmitriev)
14h00 - 14h30: Sergey Vitkalov (CUNY, US) - Anomalous negative magnetoresistance of two-dimensional electrons
14h30 - 15h00: Pavel Alekseev (Ioffe Inst., RU) - Simplified theory of dc and ac hydrodynamic magnetotransport in GaAs quantum wells
15h00 - 15h30: Andrey Varlamov (CNR-SPIN, IT) - Fluctuation spectroscopy: from Rayleigh-Jeans waves to Abrikosov vortex clusters
15h30 - 15h50: Felix Hernandez (USP, BR) - Speeding spins: Analysis of the drift velocity influence on the operation of a 2DEG based spin transistor
15h50 - 16h10: Alena Dobretsova (ISP SB RAS, RU) - Spin mixing between subbands and extraordinary Landau-level shift in wide HgTe quantum wells
16h10 - 16h30: Xiaojun Fu (UMN, US) - Role of density and illumination on microwave photoresistance in 2D electron gas
16h30 - 19h00: Break, Discussions
19h00 - 21h30: Social dinner

Friday 31 May 2019:
SESSION Fr1 (Chair: Dima Smirnov)
09h00 - 09h30: Jun Kono (Rice U., US) - THz ultrastrong and cooperative light-matter coupling
09h30 - 10h00: Dima Kvon (ISP SB RAS, RU) - Terahertz cyclotron photoconductivity in a highly unbalanced 2D Electron-hole System
10h00 - 10h30: Matvey Entin (ISP SB RAS, RU) - Network of 2D topological insulator edge states and its effect on electronic properties
10h30 - 11h00: Coffee break
SESSION Fr2 (Chair: Alexey Suslov)
11h00 - 11h30: Dima Shepelyansky (CNRS Toulouse, FR) - Wigner crystal thermoelectricity, diode and quantum computing
11h30 - 12h00: Dima Smirnov (NHMFL, US) - Excitons and excitonic complexes in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
12h00 - 12h30: Volodya Volkov (IRE RAS, RU) - Hybrid mode of gated and ungated 2D plasmons
12h30 - 14h00: Lunch

Saturday 1 June 2019:
Bus to Toulouse airport departs from Hotel Le Majestic at 09:30

Conseil Scientifique d'École de Luchon

Web page: http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/ecoledeluchon/