École des sciences avancées de Luchon
School for advanced sciences of Luchon

MRPWS 2016
Molecular Response Properties Winter School 2016
Session Winter School III (WIS3)
March 13 - 19, 2016 (Luchon Superbagneres)

Winter School Organizers:
Trond Saue, Kenneth Ruud, Patrick Norman
Organizers web page: (link)

Topics: The five-day programme will include comprehensive presentations of time-dependent response theory and electrodynamics. Response theory is explored in the time and frequency domains and with use of different quantum mechanical formulations. Electrodynamics is targeted towards an understanding of internal and external field interactions in/with molecular systems. More applied lectures cover presentations of linear and nonlinear optical properties, vibrational spectroscopies, UV/vis and X-ray absorption spectroscopies and birefringences, and magnetic resonance spectroscopies.

See the programme at the web page of organizers given above.

See more information on the web page of organizers given above:

Location: Luchon Superbagneres (Ski resort 1800 m heights) (more info)

Sponsors are given at the web page of organizers

Group photo

Conseil Scientifique d'École de Luchon

Web page: http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/ecoledeluchon/sessionwis1/