École des sciences avancées de Luchon
School for advanced sciences of Luchon

Financial/registration conditions for Session I
"Network analysis and applications" June 21 - July 5, 2014:

Format école: Summer school has duration of two weeks. Students will have furnished apartments at residence Ramel (typically 3 - 4 students per apartment). The student registration fee is 500 euro for a two week period. It includes lodging, lunch during working days, coffee breaks, video and slides of lectures. In addition to students a certain number of observers will be accepted to participate in a school session. The registration fee for an observer is 600 euro for two weeks (two persons in apartment, other conditions being the same as for students). L'école will provide a significant number of scholarships with reduced registration fee of 300 euro (early applications will have an advantage). Poster and short oral presentations will be organized for selected students and observers. Excursions to surrounding mountains, lakes and les therms will be organized by l'École and school organizers. A number of participants is restricted to 70.

Ecole plans to accept the great majority of applications with the full registration fee payment.
The students with full registration fee will be informed about their acceptence two weeks after submission of their registration form. Scholarships for selected students (reduced registration fee) will be announced at April 9, 2014. Thus students applying for the reduced registration fee should wait the answer on acceptence till April 9, 2014.
==> NEW: REGISTRATION DATE IS EXTENDED TILL May 15,2014 (students can apply for reduced registration fee till this date)
[==> NEW: 1-2 days are added for delayed payments]

Students and observers of Session I should email a signed registration form to (with "Subject: ecole de Luchon"):

Secretary Malika Bentour: malika.bentour@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr

Registration form (only for students and observers): html , pdf

Payments should be done by May 16, 2014
at the account of DR14 CNRS Toulouse as described below:

should make their registration via CNRS web site following this link :
1) choose English/French, then line N2A2014 SCHOOL OF ADVANCED SCIENCES OF LUCHON;
2) click first at "Pre-registration"; when pre-registration fields are filled and submitted, the organizers will approve or not-approve an application, a participant is informed about approval or non-approval by email from CNRS web site;
3) After that the accepted participants with the full payment of 500 or 600 euro should go to the section "Confirm a pre-registration", fill the requested fields and make a payment by a credit card, there is a choice of amounts you need to pay, choose your line; NOTE: at this step a participant fills top and bottom half-parts visible on the web page with the information requested; the information from the bottom half page will appear at the bill (facture) which is sent to a participant by CNRS web site (e.g. in this part "contact person" can be you or secretary of your Lab);
4) A student who requested the financial support will be informed by organizers about the support by a separate email, after that he should go to the section "Confirm a pre-registration", fill the requested fields and make a payment of 300 euro by a credit card (see points 1-2-3 above);
5) Those invited speakers who have an extended stay should make payment of the amount indicated by organizers by the credit card following the above steps 1-2-3;
6)Speakers and organizers with zero euro payment should be also registrated via the web site following the above steps 1-2-3.

Conseil Scientifique d'École de Luchon

Web page: http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/ecoleluchon2014/