Towards two-dimensional search engines
by L.Ermann, A.D.Chepelianskii and D.L.Shepelyansky

PageRank-CheiRank plane of networks of University of Cambridge (left) and ENS Paris (right);
fragment of Google matrix of Wikipedia (center);
Karlsson-on-the-Roof demonstrates a power of two-dimensional engine/motor (top right)

Article download (here), version2 (here)
University network data of 2011 download (here)
University of Cambridge network data of 2006 download (here)
University of Oxford network data of 2006 download (here)
Linux Kernel network data are (here)
Top 100 Wikipedia pages/articles obtained by PageRank, CheiRank, 2DRank (here)
Local 2DRanking of Wikipedia articles 100X100 on PageRank (x=K), CheiRank (y=K*) plane for subjects: (countries), (universities), (personalities), (physicists), (Nobel_physicists), (related figs)
Yeast gene regulation network (from web page of Uri Alon (WIS)) (names matlab file), (links)
Escherichia coli gene regulation network (from web page of Uri Alon (WIS)) (names), (links)

This webpage is created at June 6, 2011 and is maintained
by L.Ermann, A.Chepelianskii and D.Shepelyansky