École des sciences avancées de Luchon
School for advanced sciences of Luchon

Network analysis and applications
Session I, June 21 - July 5, 2014

School Organizers:
András Benczúr (Budapest), Andreas Kaltenbrunner (Barcelona), Dima Shepelyansky (Toulouse)
Secretary: Malika Bentour , Organization unit: Vivek Kandiah

Scope: In past ten years, modern societies developed enormous communication and social networks. New characterization tools of complex networks provide possibilities for information retrieval in social networks, communication, economy, gene, protein and other networks. The interdisciplinary approaches based on complex networks and Markov chains allow to obtain advanced results in such diverse fields as physics, computer science and bioinformatics. The school will present lectures of world leading experts in these fields.

Topics: Scale-free networks; Markov chains and ranking algorithms; Data mining methods; Google matrix analysis; Information retrieval and search engines; Temporal Web analysis; Big data analysis for Web, Wikipedia, genomics and proteomics; Reconstruction of biological networks from gene expression data; Networks in economics.
Read more about things you will learn here.

List of confirmed lecturers and main topics::

Special topics:

Information: Location , Recommendations , Travel , Registration , Program+Lectures , Participants , Poster

Sponsors: Université de Toulouse , CNRS , LABEX NEXT , IRSAMC , EC FET NADINE, Marie de Luchon

Sponsor logos

Conseil Scientifique d'École de Luchon

Web page: http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/ecoleluchon2014/