École des sciences avancées de Luchon aims to
promote development of advanced sciences and to enhance interdisplinary exchange
between different sciences. It also aims to bring the modern
scientific achievments to students and young researchers organizing
schools and workshops in summer and winter. École de Luchon
starts the first scientific sessions in summer 2014. La Mairie de Luchon,
with his mayor
Louis Ferré ,
who is also professor of mathematics at
Université de Toulouse, provides friendly and warm condtitions
for functionality of École de sciences.
Conseil Scientifique d'École de Luchon
Location ,
Sessions d'École:
Session I, June 21 - July 5, 2014
Focus Workshop I (FW1), NEXT Days September 4 - 5, 2014
( photo )
Session Winter School I (WIS1), February 1 - 6, 2015 (Superbagneres)
Session Workshop I (W1), March 14 - 21, 2015 (Superbagneres)
Session Workshop II (W2), May 23 - 30, 2015
Session II, June 27 - July 11, 2015
Session Workshop III (W3), January 4 - 8, 2016 (Superbagneres)
Session Workshop III(L) (W3L), January 4 - 8, 2016 (Superbagneres)
Session Winter School II (WIS2), February 5 - 13, 2016 (St-Lary-Soulan)
Session Winter School III (WIS3), March 13 - 19, 2016
Session Focus Workshop II (FW2), May 1 - 4, 2016
Session Focus Workshop III (FW3), May 14 - 18,
Focus Workshop I (FW4), NEXT Days June 15 - 16, 2016
Session Workshop IV (W4), September 17 - 24,
Session Winter School IV (WIS4), January 23 - February
2, 2017 (Superbagneres)
Session Workshop V (W5), May 20 - 27, 2017
Session Winter School V (WIS5), January 29 - February
8, 2018 (Superbagneres)
Session Winter School VI (WIS6), January 28 - February
7, 2019 (Superbagneres)
Session Workshop VI (W6), May 25 - June 1, 2019
Session Winter School VII (WIS7), January 27 - February
6, 2020 (Superbagneres)
Conditions of stay
Submit proposal of École or Workshop Summer 2014-2016
Submit proposal of École or Workshop Winter-Summer 2015-2016
Université de Toulouse ,
Marie de Luchon
Web page: